1   No team will be allowed to sign on with less than 5 players.

2   In the event of a tie at the end of the season any League positions a playoff will be held to decide the order.

3   Any team failing to submit a result card to the Results Secretary by 12 pm on Saturday will be fined £5.00

     3a  Any card found to be incorrect both teams to be fined £2 to be paid at the next Secretaries Meeting.

     3b  All games given to be marked clearly on the card to avoid confusion over who is playing on the Gallon.  If this is not done, then both teams will             be fined as for an incorrect card.  All fines to be paid at the Secretaries Meeting.

     3c  Any unsigned card to be treated as incorrect and incur a £2 fine on each team.

4   Only arrows left in the board count.

5   Only Checkers and Markers to call the score.

6   Markers to call from 180.

7   Checkers to tell up to last arrow.

8   A maximum of 2 ANO’s to be entered for the draw.  All named players to be present for the commencement of the match at 8.45pm.  Both ANO’s        to be named at the end of the 4th game played.  If ANO’s put in draw, then if players in attendance have not been named then they are to be put        in  first.  If need to take players not named in singles but in pairs then all pairs names not already in singles to be put in a further draw and                    opposing Captain to pick.  If playing in singles and pairs and no spare names, then game to be given.

9   Any player who lets down her team in anyway shall not be allowed to register with any team for 12 months.  Whereby the player in question has          the right to reply on, or before the AGM, and has acknowledgement of the fact.

10  Players are only allowed to register for one team.

11  No signing on of players will be allowed after the closing date of accepting registered players, except in the case of bereavement or change of              Landlady.

12  In the case of adverse weather, if either team is short of players, game to be postponed.  If each team has 3 registered players present, game to           be played.

13  Gallon - £2 to be paid by the losing team to the winning team.

14  If a trophy is returned in a dirty or unfit condition the last holder of the trophies will be fined £5 per trophy towards the cost of cleaning.

15  Fixture sheets and marking sheets to be picked up on date specified at AGM, any team failing this will be fined £10.

16  Names of players to be registered on a date specified at the AGM, any team failing to do this will be fined £5.  Any team not having 5 players at             the beginning of the season will be given to the first meeting of the season to sign new players up to 5.  If a team wish to de-register a player               who  has not played a game, they have until the first meeting of that season to do so but that player will not be allowed to sign on for any other           team in the League for this season or the following season as they will be deemed to have broken rules 11 and 12 and brought the game into               disrepute.  Any player to be registered with the League Secretary before playing a game.  If this is not done, then that players’ game will be                   classed as null, and void and the result will go to the opposing team.

17  Only the Team Secretary to be allowed to speak at a Secretaries Meeting.  All Secretaries may miss a maximum of 2 meetings.  If you turn up, pay         your fees, and leave this will be classed as non-attendance.

18  All teams should ask the opposing team whether mobile phones may be left on but only for domestic emergencies.  If agreed, then phones                  should be put on vibrate or silent.

19  Any team turning up with less than 3 players will be judged to bring the game into disrepute.  If this rule is not adhered to the team breaking the         rule will have all points expunged from that half of the season and given to all opposing teams.

20  Any team found to be falsifying a result card for a League or Team Knockout game will be barred permanently from the League as of that date.

21  Players are given the choice between trophies or cash when winning competitions.  For the team competitions the whole team will have the                 same ie all trophies or all cash.  If winners or runners up, then the prize money will be split between those signed on or if extra trophies                         required   to be paid for by the team.  Team is 7 players.  Losing Semi Finalists to get a trophy.

22  Any team failing to bring a bottle for the presentation night raffle on the specified night will be fined £5.

23  To receive a trophy/cash in a team competition all players should play at more than the 2 games and it must be proved that they have paid their         subs for the whole season.


Teams wishing to register with the Eccles and District Ladies Darts League must be represented at the AGM.  No team will be accepted unless there is at least one member of their team present.  The closing date for accepting Team registration will be the AGM each year.  THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE.