1    The title of this league to be Eccles and District Ladies Darts League.

2    Only registered players are eligible to compete in the League.

3    Registration is £40 per team regardless of how many signs on.  No refunds of footer fees paid at the AGM will be made under any circumstances.

4    Each team to pay £20.00 footer fees.  Team Secretary to pay at each Secretaries Meeting.

5    First 5 singles games to be 301 up, straight start, straight finish, and remaining pairs games to be 501 up, straight start, double finish.

6    Matches to be played on Tuesday nights.

7    The draw to be made by 8.30 pm.  Play to commence at 8.45 pm.

8    Each player must toe the footer.

9    Captains to be selected from their own house teams.

10  Home team to throw first, each player having equal amount of darts.

11  Points to be given as follows: 1 point for each game won with a further 2 points for winning the match.

12  All complaints etc to be sent in writing to the League Secretary within 7 days of occurring.

13  Any matter not covered by these Rules will be dealt with by the Committee whose ruling shall be final and binding.

14  Board to be a London Board.  Board to be 5ft 6ins from floor to centre bull and throw to be 7ft 6ins measured horizontally from centre bull                   (diagonally 111.5 ins).  This rule also applies to all competitions.

15   No change of night proclaimed for matches unless put before Committee.

16   What is passed at a Secretaries Meeting stands until it is put before a Committee Meeting.

17  Any trophies won by any team not registering for the forthcoming season at the AGM, must be returned to the League Secretary by a specified             date.

       17a  Any annual trophy not returned at the last meeting by any team or individual will be charged to that team or individual.  There will be a £10          fine for any individual or team returning a trophy later than the date specified by the League to cover cleaning and engraving charges.

18   Both marking pads must be signed after each match by both team captains.  In the event of a discrepancy marking pads to be given to the                    League Secretary at the end of the season.

19   No person under the age of 18 years will be accepted for registration with the League.

20   Gallon players to consist of 3 reserve or 3 players who have lost in the most darts.  Gallon game to be 501, double finish.

21   Captains only to draw names on match nights.

22   Any team wishing to change venue for whatever reason may only change with their “magic number” as advised by the League Secretary and                 they  may only do this once per season.

23   Any postponed game to be played within 4 weeks of postponement.  The team postponing the game must accommodate the wishes of the                 opposing team.  If no agreement can be reached the League Secretary and Committee will make the decision for them.  Any team turning up               with less than 3 players will invoke Rule 21.

24   No teams will be allowed to register with the League from outside the Eccles and District borders.

25   Any member of the Officials or Executive Committee of the Eccles and District Ladies Darts League is allowed to adjust a board at any                             competition if they feel it is not a true board.

26   That all boards are in good condition.

27   No alcohol to be brought to the AGM.

28   Checkers and Markers in any game either League or competition should not touch the darts when asked to check.

29   A calculator will be allowed to assist with the book only – no mobiles to be used

30   Facebook/Twitter or any internet social media.  Anyone found to be disrespecting the League, Committee, or Public Houses/Venues will be dealt         with by the Committee.  The Committee will meet and discuss action against person or persons which could lead to a permanent ban from the           League.  This rule is to help protect the League/Committee/Public Houses/Venues.


1    The draw will be made at 8.15 pm prompt.  Any player not in attendance will be excluded from the draw.  There will be no exception to the rule.

2    All competitions to be straight start, double finish.

3    All Matches ending on a double(Excluding Team Knockout) – In the event that both players get to double one when going for the double then              they shall throw a total of 15 darts at the double and then if not hit on the final throw they will go nearest bull for a winner.

4     All League competitions to be held at one venue which is the Conservative Club.

5     All Competitions – Only the players or the board markers are allowed to move the board if it is said to be wrong.  No audience comments are               allowed.  Once the 2 players are satisfied it is correct then no further comments should be made.

6    Team Knockout Rules – No practising on game boards before a match.  Each player will be allowed to take 6 practice darts.  Draw to commence         at 8.30 and play to commence at 8.45.  Toss to be done before draw to see who has arrows on games 1, 3, 5 and 7 and 2, 4 and 6.


1    Retirements to be dealt with via team – no League involvement.


1    A certificate will be given on Presentation Night to any nominated player who has 30 years of service.  Players to be nominated by their own                team.


1    Any player or team wishing to put forward an item for discussion at a Secretaries, Committee or AGM must submit the same in writing to the              League Secretary prior to the date of the meeting so that the item can be included on the Agenda.  Failure to do this will mean that item will not          be discussed but will be put on the Agenda for the next meeting.  A suitable time limit will be allowed for each item.

2    Committee members to be paid £20 each at AGM each year towards any out-of-pocket expenses incurred over the year.  Any Committee                      member not deemed by the Officials to have put in a minimum number of attendances at meetings and competitions during the season will not          receive payment towards out-of-pocket expenses.


1    All Captains are entitled to measure a footer to check if it is correct before the commencement of a game.  (Captains: Please carry a tape measure.)

2    If you have any problems, please contact the League Secretary (Gail Thomas 07736-068542).  Alternatively, any member of the Executive                        Committee (Wendy Jones 07972 723407) (Elaine Doyle 07703 725306).  If you cannot contact anyone on the night, please phone the League                  Secretary or any member of the Executive Committee within 24 hours.